RMA Real Estate Investment Advisors
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RMA Team

Rachel A. Doygun

Rachel A. Doygun


Ms. Doygun is a Director of Regis Metro Associates, Inc. She is responsible for asset management, database management and is RMA’s Chief Compliance Officer. As part of her responsibilities, she actively manages RMA’s direct investments and works closely with our joint venture partners in implementing specific property business plans. Rachel also provides compliance oversight to the investment activities performed by RMA on behalf of its clients and investors. In addition, she oversees investors’ accounts and reporting.

Prior to joining Regis Metro Associates, Inc., Ms. Doygun provided customized financial and performance reports for the City and County of San Francisco’s deferred compensation plan with over $2 billion in assets. Rachel also acted as Compliance Manager at Great-West Retirement Services and ING Financial Advisers.

Ms. Doygun holds a B.A. in Business Management/Economics with a minor in Legal Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz. She earned her M.B.A. from San Francisco State University and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.)